

Scottish and Scots Gaelic Songs and Airs

Titles for Scottish and Scots Gaelic songs and airs (and a little bit of Irish) are listed alphabetically in this section of the Sheet Music Catalogue with links to audio samples and to the sheet music store where items can be viewed and purchased. 

'S fhada leam an oidhche gheamhraidh   (Ref. 099)

A Man's A Man For A' That   (ref. 507)

A phiùthrag 's a phiuthar  (Little Sister, Little Sister)   (ref. 228)

A rìbhin òig bheil cuimhn' agad  (Fair Maiden, Do You Remember)   (Ref. 152)

A Rosebud By My Early Walk   (Ref. 168)    

Ae Fond Kiss   (Ref. 231) 

Agnes Waltz   (Ref. 482)

Aileen   (Ref. 505) 

Air fail a lail o   (Ref. 204)

Amazing Grace   (ref. 771) 

An còineachan  (Fairy Lullaby)   (Ref. 172)

An eala bhàn  (The White Swan)   (Ref. 137)

An gille dubh ciar-dubh  (My Dark-Haired Lad)   (Ref. 129) 

An t-Eilean Muileach  (The Isle Of Mull)   (Ref. 161)

An t-seann dachaigh  (The Old Home)   (Ref. 153)

An tèid thu leam air bhàrr nan tonn  (Will You Come With Me Across The Sea)   (Ref. 202)   

And Ye Shall Walk In Silk Attire   (Ref. 548)

Annie Laurie   (Ref. 192)

Ar Éirinn Ní Neosfainn Cé Hí (For Ireland I Would Not Tell Her Name)   (Ref. 603) 

Auld Lang Syne   (Ref. 326)

Auld Robin Gray   (Ref. 491)

Bà bà mo leanabh beag  (Hush, My Little Baby)   (Ref. 276)    

Baloo Baleerie   (Ref. 678)

Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms   (Ref. 714)

Bonnie Galloway   (Ref. 224) 

Bonnie George Campbell   (Ref. 741)

Bonnie Jeannie Gray   (Ref. 556) 

Bonnie Strathyre   (Ref. 291)

Bonnie Wee Thing   (Ref. 524) 

Ca' The Yewes   (Ref. 193) 

Cailin 'n Fhuilt Bhàin  (The Fair-Haired Girl)   (Ref. 411) 

Cailin mo rùin-sa  (Dearest My Own One)   (Ref. 108)

Caisteal A Ghlinne (The Castle In the Glen)   (Ref. 720)

Caller Herrin'   (Ref. 489)  

Càrlabhagh  (Carloway)   (Ref. 410) 

Charlie Is My Darling   (Ref. 510)

Cliabh Dineag (Dineag's Creel)   (Ref. 248)   

Cockles And Mussels   (Ref. 719)

Coill' an Fhàsaich (Remembering Waternish)   (Ref. 113)

Come Back To Erin   (Ref. 728)

Come By The Hills   (Ref. 398) 

Come O'er The Stream Charlie   (Ref. 150)   

Comin' Thro' The Rye   (Ref. 240)

Crodh Chailein (Colin's Cattle)   (Ref. 456) 

Crovan's Galley  (Birlinn Ghoraidh Chròbhain)   (Ref. 105)

Dark Lochnagar   (Ref. 177)  

Dream Angus   (Ref. 194)

Dreams Of Kintail   (Ref. 243)

Eriskay Love Lilt   (Ref. 157) 

Fail ò rò mar dh'fhàg sinn  (Fail O Ro, How We Departed)   (Ref. 154)

Fàilte do dh' Eilean Leódhais (Welcome to the Isle of Lewis)   (Ref. 409)

Fàilte Rhubha Bhatarnais  (Welcome To Vaternish)   (Ref. 126)    

Far an robh mi'n raoir  (Where I Was Last Night)   (Ref. 220) 

Farewell   (Ref. 702)

Farewell To Fiunary (Slàn le Fionnairigh)   (Ref. 212)

Farewell To Lochaber   (Ref. 255) 

Farewell To Skye  (Soraidh Leis An Àit')   (Ref. 181) 

Farewell To Tarwathie   (Ref. 252)  

Flora MacDonald's Lament   (Ref. 512) 

Flow Gently Sweet Afton   (Ref. 253) 

Flower Of Scotland   (Ref. 624)   

Fo ghruaimean cha bhi mi'n diugh  (I Won't Be Sad Today)   (Ref. 120)

Geallach Abuchaidh An Eòrna  (The Moon That Ripens The Wheat)   (Ref. 246)

Gradh Na H-Òige  (The Young Lad)   (Ref. 249)  

Grannie's Heilan' Hame   (Ref. 594) 

Griogal cridhe (Beloved Gregor)   (Ref. 111) 

Gruagach dhonn Bhrunail (The Brown-Haired Lass From Brunel)   (Ref. 119) 

Haste Ye Back   (Ref. 209)

Hector The Hero   (Ref. 244)

Heilan' Air   (Ref. 136) 

Highland Cradle Song   (Ref. 235)

HLI (Highland Light Infantry)   (Ref. 391)

Hug òreann ò rò gur toigh leam fhìn thù (Hug Oreann o ro You are Dear To Me)   (Ref. 140)    

Huntingtower   (Ref. 195) 

I Belong To Glasgow   (Ref. 488) 

I'm The Saftest O' The Family  (Ref. 792)

Inverness Waltz   (Ref. 560) 

Iolaire sùil na grèine (The Eagle With The Yellow-Green Eyes)   (Ref. 190) 

It's A Fine Thing To Sing   (Ref. 791)  

It's Nice To get Up In The Morning   (793)

Jacqueline Waltz   (Ref. 483) 

Jeanie's Black E'en   (Ref. 670)

Jeannie Black   (Ref. 668)  

Jessie, The Flower O' Dunblane   (Ref. 147)   

Jock O' Hazeldean   (Ref. 225) 

John Anderson, My Jo   (Ref. 486)  

Kirkconnel Lea   (Ref. 115) 

Kirsteen   (Ref. 753) 

Kishmul's Galley   (Ref. 103) 

Lady Ann Bothwell's Lament   (Ref. 227) 

Lassie Wi' The Lint-White Locks    (Ref. 559) 

Lassie Wi' The Yellow Coatie    (Ref. 399) 

Leaving Barra (A' fàgail Bharraigh)   (Ref. 203)

Leaving Lismore  (Fàgail Lios Mhòr)   (Ref. 145)   

Leaving Stornoway (Fàgail Steòrnabhaigh)   (Ref. 125)

Leis an Lurgainn  (With The Lurgainn)   (Ref. 112) 

Loch Leven  (Mo ghleannan taobh Loch Lìobhainn)   (Ref. 143) 

Loch Lomond   (Ref. 239) 

Loch Maree Islands   (Ref. 549) 

Loch Rannoch   (Ref. 179)     

Logie O' Buchan   (Ref. 186) 

Lovely Stornoway   (Ref. 475) 

MacPherson's Lament    (Ref. 640)   

Màiri bhàn òg  (Mary, Young And Fair)   (Ref. 173)  

Mary Of Argyll   (Ref. 206)

Mary Of Castlecary   (Ref. 569)   

Mingulay Boat Song   (Ref. 213)     

Mo chailin dìleas donn (My Faithful, Brown-Haired Lass)   (Ref. 199)

Mo dhachaigh  (My Home)   (Ref. 135)

Mo ghile mear (My Gallant Darling)   (Ref. 230) 

Mo mhàthair (My Mother)   (Ref. 605)

Mo nighean donn nam meall-shùilean (My Brown-Haired Lass With The Beguiling Eyes)   (Ref. 121)    

Mo rùn geal òg (My Fair Young Love)   (Ref. 128)  

Morag Of Dunvegan  (Mòrag a Dùnbheagain)   (Ref. 180)  

Muile nam mòr-bheann  (Mull Of The High Mountains)   (Ref. 159) 

Mull Of The Cool High Bens  (Muile nam fuar-bheann mòr)   (Ref. 109)

My Ain Fireside   (Ref. 565)

My Dear And Only Love   (Ref. 251) 

My Fair One   (Ref. 198)   

My Love Is Like A Red, Red Rose   (Ref. 131)

My Nannie O   (Ref. 500)     

My Nannie's Awa'   (Ref. 232)      

Nan ceadaicheadh an tìde dhomh  (If Time Would Permit Me)   (Ref. 122)  

Niel Gow's Lament For The Death Of His Second Wife   (Ref. 156)  

Nighean Donn Mo Ribhinn Òg (My Sweet Auburn-haired Lass)  (Ref. 597) 

O 's tu 's gura tu th' air m' aire (You Are Always On My Mind)   (Ref. 592)

O' Gin I Were A Baron's Heir   (Ref. 163) 

O'er The Water To Charlie   (Ref. 169)  

Of A' The Airts The Wind Can Blaw   (Ref. 508)         

Oh, I Love The Maiden Fair ('Si Mo Leannan An Te Ur)   (Ref. 722)  

Òran Chaluim Sgàire (Calum Sgaire's Song)   (Ref. 189)  

Òran na Maighdinn-mhara (Song Of The Mermaid)   (Ref. 221)  

Queen Mary, Queen Mary   (Ref. 185)    

Roamin' In The Gloamin'   (Ref. 552)     

Robert Muir's Farewell   (Ref. 434)   

Robin Adair   (Ref. 537)    

Roslin Castle   (Ref. 514)    

Rothesay Bay   (Ref. 207)    

Row Me Home to Islay   (Ref. 197)   

'S e Siabost is Bòidhche Leam  (My Beautiful Shawbost)   (Ref. 408)     

Scots Wha Hae   (Ref. 632)   

Sheiling Maids  (Maighdeanan na h-Airidh)   (Ref. 256)    

Sìne Bhàn  (Bonnie Jean)   (Ref. 142)          

Skye Is My Home   (Ref. 610)       

Song Of Home   (Ref. 696)  

Sound The Pibroch   (Ref. 117)    

South Georgia Whaling Song  (‘S truagh nach do dh’fhuirich mi tioram air tìr)   (Ref. 107)                

Tak Your Auld Cloak Aboot Ye   (Ref. 553)      

Tam Glen   (Ref. 545)       

Teann A-Nall   (Ref. 293)   

Teddy O'Neil   (Ref. 731)    

Tha Mo Ghaol A 'Cadal  (My Love Is Sleeping)   (Ref. 257)     

Tha mo ghaol air àird a’ chuain (My Love Is On The High Seas)   (Ref. 139)    

The Auld Hoose   (Ref. 238)   

The Auld Scots Sangs   (Ref. 187)    

The Banks O' The Dee   (Ref. 170)   

The Bluebells Of Scotland   (Ref. 241)   

The Boatman  (Fear a' bhàta)   (Ref. 102)    

The Bonnie Lass O' Ballochmyle   (Ref. 529)    

The Bonnie Wells O' Wearie   (Ref. 208)      

The Broom O' Cowdenknowes   (Ref. 532)  

The Crookit Bawbee   (Ref. 621)  

The Cuckoo   (Ref. 215)    

The Dancing in Kyle   (Ref. 294)   

The Dark Island   (Ref. 609)   

The Flower O' The Quern   (Ref. 703) 

The Flowers Of The Forest   (Ref. 492)  

The Fower Maries   (Ref. 116)   

The Galley Of Lorne   (Ref. 216)    

The Gentle Maiden   (Ref. 711)   

The Highland Widow's Lament   (Ref. 779)    

The Iona Boat Song  (Caol Muile)   (Ref. 160)    

The Islay Maiden (A Chruinneag Ileach)   (Ref. 748)  

The Isle Of Coll (Eilean Cholla)   (Ref. 292)    

The Kyle Furlough   (Ref. 687)   

The Laird O' Cockpen   (Ref. 184)  

The Lass O' Lowrie   (Ref. 223)    

The Lights Of Lochindaal   (Ref. 520)   

The Loch Tay Boat Song   (Ref. 124)    

The MacGregor's Gathering   (Ref. 538)   

The Massacre Of Glencoe (Mort Ghlinne-Comhainn)   (Ref. 217)   

The Meeting Of The Waters   (Ref. 713)    

The Mist-Covered Mountains Of Home (Chì mi na mòrbheanna)  (Ref. 211)  

The Nameless Lassie   (Ref. 164)  

The Northern Lights Of Old Aberdeen   (Ref. 622)   

The Parting Glass   (Ref. 775)     

The Piper's Waltz   (Ref. 619)   

The Piper's Weird   (Ref. 236)      

The Road And The Miles To Dundee   (Ref. 620)    

The Rose Of Allendale   (Ref. 485)                 

The Rowan Tree   (Ref. 133) 

The Sands Of Kuwait   (Ref. 461)          

The Skye Boat Song   (Ref. 182)     

The Soft Lowland Tongue Of The Borders   (Ref. 729)    

The Song Of The Clyde   (Ref. 679)    

The Star O' Robbie Burns   (Ref. 715)    

The Surge Of The Sea (An ataireachd àrd)   (Ref. 104) 

The Swan White Maiden   (Ref. 691)

The Waters Of Kylesku   (Ref. 176)  

The Wild Rose Of The Mountain   (Ref. 234)  

The Woods O' Dunmore   (Ref. 566)

The Yellow-Haired Laddie   (Ref. 521)

Theid Mi Dhachaidh 'Chro Chinn T-Saile (I Will Return To Kintail)   (Ref. 612)

There Grows A Bonnie Briar Bush   (Ref. 165)

These Are My Mountains   (Ref. 593) 

Thou Bonnie Wood O' Craigielea   (Ref. 534)

Thug mi gaol do'n fhear bhàn (I Gave My Love To The Fair One)   (Ref. 201)

Tiugainn Do Scalpaigh (Let's Go To Scalpay)   (Ref. 247) 

Tom an t-Searreach   (Ref. 144)

Tuireadh Iain Ruaidh (Lament For Red Iain)   (Ref. 219) 

Turn Ye To Me (Horo, Mhairi Dhu)   (Ref. 766)   

Uibhist, Mo Gradh (Uist, My Love)   (Ref. 608) 

Uist Tramping Song  (Null do dh' Uibhist)   (Ref. 774)

Wandering Willie   (Ref. 496)        

We'd Better Bide A Wee   (Ref. 707)

Westering Home   (Ref. 175)

When The Kye Come Hame   (Ref. 509) 

Wild Mountain Thyme   (Ref. 132)      

Will Ye Gang Tae Kelvin Grove   (Ref. 149)  

Will Ye No Come Back Again   (Ref. 166)      

Ye Banks And Braes   (Ref. 148)   


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